From the Mind of the Artist

SB wolf, 6/1/05, 5:21 PM, 8C, 5888x7424 (0+416), 100%, Repro 1.8 v2, 1/10 s, R90.6, G67.7, B83.6

Spirit of Wolf

A BIG thank-you to Jennifer Moss for designing this site. May I start off with one of the biggest elements to a success story: GRATITUDE!

I am not only grateful for the gifts I was given at birth, but for the support along the way from the angels who were sent to me from Great Spirit…some in human form, many in the form of animals. It may be a surprise to a those who do not know my journey, but my gifts were not my art…that was something I’ve worked at and developed. My true gifts were tenacity and perseverance that kept me moving forward ever focused on improving my art. Every time I complete an outstanding piece, I see room for improvement, so for the last 28 years I have been progressing as I figure out and learn new ways of doing what I do. I paint my world as I see it, believe it and hope for it to be.


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